I guess soccer was at a new location outside of town because it took us a little while to get there through the side streets of Bogor. Fortunately the streets are so narrow and crowded you cant go too fast but that doesn't stop the locals from trying. I'm fairly sure we went by some rice paddies or other planting areas but I couldn't see a thing because it was too dark. This field house was similar to the other one except with slightly smaller fields; 3 in total. I was told by one of the fellows that Bogor is famous for these field houses. I assume that being in the city of rain has something to do with that. I need to remember to stop bringing water to these events as they have water there for about 40 cents and lots of typical indonesian snacks such as the ever handy white-rice-torpedo wrapped in a palm leaf. It was a slightly different crew playing this week and I didn't play as well, probably due to lingering effects from my sickness last week. I also played against the biggest Indonesian guy ever. He was about my height and maybe 10 pounds lighter. It was quite the shock to go up against someone in my weight class but fun as well. On the way back Ronald insisted that I ride on the back his new motorcycle. He has a little suzuki crotch rocket that fits 3 indonesians but only 1 indonesian when paired with me. It reminded me how much I don't enjoy riding on the back of a bike especially when I can clearly see over the driver's head and I'm like a combination between a topsail and a jenga tower back there. Although I do admit the sensation of flying through the narrow curvy streets was pretty sweet. After that I we grabbed some street food which tasted great. I was a little bit worried about the aftermath but its 48 hours later now and I feel great.
Other than that, no news to report. A couple slow days at the office. Gito has been setting up the world cup games on the projector screen in the conference room so that is nice. The girls and I ate some terrible food last night at what appeared to be a nice restaurant. I guess you don't order there, they just bring you a ton of stuff, and you pick what you want and they reuse the rest? Sketchy. We also may have been served a bull testicle. Thats what it looked like at least. It is now 24 hours from that adventure and no ill effects so I think I am in good shape for the time being.
Leaving for Indramayu at 6am tomorrow. Next update from there.
I can picture you flying through the streets on the motorbike, funny. Good luck working in Indramayu.