Friday, July 23, 2010

Redux, Puncak and Sick

You might think that I'm just recycling old posts during a slow news cycle, but you would think wrong. Last Tuesday night at around 9pm the guys asked if I wanted to go hang out in Puncak and drink a few beers. I needed to be up for a 7am departure but I'm not one to miss out on a nice Anker or Bintang. The bros insisted it would be very cold up there, but I resisted bringing along a jacket. It was cool, but hardly anything out of the ordinary for a summer night.

Here is Moo freezing his butt off and hoping the small whisper of heat in his cigarette will warm him up. (didn't work)

Here is Arga with a slightly warmer article but not having any more luck staying warm in those freezing upper 60's temps.
Ronal doesn't need a jacket because he grew up in a high elevation city where it gets cool. The new guy is Claudio, visiting from North Sulawesi.
We could see the lights of the city stretched out below us and a crisp breeze blew up the mountainside. A number of other people were there with us enjoying the evening. Unfortunately, there are no garbage cans in Indonesia and there doesn't appear to be a culture of picking up trash and taking it with you. This is the tea field below the overlook. Sad.

The next morning I got a wake up call from Andrea, but I decided not to go to the World Bank meeting because I wasn't feeling so hot. I hoped perhaps I just hadn't gotten enough sleep. By 9am my fears were confirmed and I spent the day doing the toilet shuttle run. Fast forward to 7pm and things were not getting better. I was also starting to get dehydrated, so I made the call to see a doc. This time they were a little more concerned, perhaps since I was a repeat patient and they gave me an IV to pump me back up and a regimen of medications to put me back on my feet. I'm currently in day 2 of the banana, rice porridge and oatmeal diet and I think its about time I got back to some normal food. In any case, I can't get sick again so it looks like maybe a lot of western food in the next couple weeks. Bummer.

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