Its been really busy around here lately as I'm rushing to finish stuff before I'm gone. I recovered nicely from the sickness and never ended up going to Bandung, which is ok. I ended up going back to Jakarta on saturday with Daniel. We went to a pretty westernized, upscale mall to kind of hang around and eat some lunch. It was the first time in months I've eaten raw vegetables in a salad format. It was good. I even had a bite of peanut butter and jelly yesterday and it tasted damn good. I'm not even a big pbj fan.
Andrea and I also went with Daniel to a traditional market where they were selling all manner of things. I bought one of those awesome rice hats that the farmers wear and wore it home. I'm very excited I got one as that was one of the priorities of the trip. Beyond that, I went to karaoke with the bros, this time taking home the high score. Take that amateurs. My mission not to eat western food is in shambles. In my quest not to eat anything remotely sketchy this week, I've twice been forced to eat at Mcd's. Its not any better here than it is at home.
I also did some shopping. I don't like shopping but the prices at the outlets are simply too good to pass up without picking up a couple things.
On Wednesday, I went with Rizaldi to the other campus of IPB. The bigger one where the majority of students are. The campus is very nice, with lush grounds. Not terribly well maintained, but very lush. All the buildings are open air, which is kind of cool. Some rooms have AC.
A center patio inside a building.
More grounds. Many of the buildings appear to be pretty new. Nice campus. Still get lots of looks and greetings from people even on campus. Pretty fun. They also have lots of vendors on campus giving out free stuff. The greenfield farms ladies were handing out free chocolate milk.

While at the outlets I happened upon this gem. First loon, now waterville valley. You can rest assured that if I find sugarloaf gear I'm buying. Btw, Kendall if you are reading this. DC gear is like $7. I'll go steez for steez with you when I get back.

Today I just had a training session with people from the office and a few others about using CPT (climate prediction tool). I'm pretty sure I bored them to death but thats ok. CPT bores me to death too so I'm just sharing. I axed the part with my data generation tool, that was too much for one day. My presentation followed Andrea's who already bored them with using an index insurance calculator.
Today I just had a training session with people from the office and a few others about using CPT (climate prediction tool). I'm pretty sure I bored them to death but thats ok. CPT bores me to death too so I'm just sharing. I axed the part with my data generation tool, that was too much for one day. My presentation followed Andrea's who already bored them with using an index insurance calculator.
Leaving to hike the mountain tomorrow bright and early. I'll be gone for a couple days, but I'll have pics when I get back.